Observation by John Hughes: Messier 13

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Test User


John Hughes


2020 May 15 - 22:00


2020 May 31 - 21:01


The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 16h41m
Dec: +36°29'
Position angle: -179°51'

Field size

1°41' × 1°19'

  • William Optics Z103 refractor
  • ZWO ASI1600mm Pro camera
  • LRGB Chroma 1.25” filters ZWO EFW

North Essex

Target name

Messier 13


Messier 13

About this image

This image was taken across multiple nights with data acquisition as follows;

 11 May 2020 - Lum 100 subs x 60s bin 1x1 Gain 139, Offset 30

 13 May 2020 - Lum 117 subs x 60s bin 1x1 Gain 75, Offset 15

 14 May 2020 - Red 166 subs x 60s bin 2x2 Gain 139, Offset 30

 19 May 2020 - Green 153 subs x 60s bin 2x2 Gain 139, Offset 30

 28 May 2020 - Blue 173 subs x 60s bin 2x2 Gain 139, Offset 30

 Images acquired using Sequence Generator Pro and Processed in PixInsight.

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