Observation by Trevor Green: The Milky Way, LMC and SMC

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Trevor Green


2020 Jul 18 - 09:00


2020 Aug 07 - 17:51


The Milky Way
The Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC)
The Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC)

  • Canon 5D MK4 camera
  • Tamron 15-30 mm lens @20 mm f2.8

30 mins total


Ramco Reserve on the Murray River near Wakerie South Australia

Target name

Milky Way


The Milky Way, LMC and SMC

About this image

This amazing image is a five panel vertical panorama with 5 images for each panel, so 25 images stacked and processed in total.  Image processing was done in PS CC2017

Trevor reports that it was a beautiful, clear evening and you can see ETA Carina ,the Coal Sack Nebula, the Southern Cross, Large and Small Magellanic Clouds and the Tarantula Nebula.

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