Observation by Peter Goodhew FRAS: New Discovery - Sharpless 215 is a poten...

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Peter Goodhew FRAS


Peter Goodhew FRAS


2020 Aug 27 - 16:30


2020 Aug 27 - 16:35


Sharpless 215

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 04h17m
Dec: +42°35'
Position angle: -3°01'

Field size

0°14' × 0°12'

  • APM TMB 152 LZOS Refractors
  • 10Micron GM2000 HPS mount
  • QSI6120wsg8 cameras

H-Alpha filter: 61x900" bin 1x1 Blue: 9x300" bin 1x1 Green: 8x300" bin 1x1 Lum: 18x300" bin 1x1 OIII 3 nm: 46x1800" bin 4x4 Red:


Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain

Target name

Sh2-215 - Pa 167


New Discovery - Sharpless 215 is a potential planetary nebula: Pa 167

About this image

Sharpless 215 has, like other objects in the Sharpless Catalog, been classified as an HII emission nebula. My good friend Dana Patchick recently spotted a hot star apparently located within the nebula, and suggested that it could possibly be a planetary nebula.  He suggested that I turn my scopes on it, looking for any OIII emission.  Although much fainter than the HII emission, I found a strong OIII signal which is characteristic of planetary nebulae.  We now await spectroscopic analysis to be able to confirm that it is a PN.  Dana has registered it as a possible planetary nebula in his catalog as Pa 167.

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