Observation by John Hughes: NGC 281 - the "Pacman" Nebula ...

Uploaded by

Paul Downing


John Hughes


2020 Sep 19 - 22:00


2020 Oct 13 - 15:43


The Pacman Nebula (NGC281)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 00h52m
Dec: +56°38'
Position angle: +3°13'

Field size

1°41' × 1°14'

  • William Optics Z103 refractor
  • ZWO ASI1600mm Pro Cooled camera
  • Chroma 3.5nm Ha, Oiii and Sii filters

All exposure times were 300 seconds with Ha (70 subs), Oiii (70 subs) and Sii (70 subs) making up a total integration time of 17.5 hours


North Essex, UK

Target name

NGC 281


NGC 281 - the "Pacman" Nebula by John Hughes

About this image

Continuing the tour of Cassiopeia and Cepheus I now found myself looking at a friend from the 1980’s - PacMan!

This was another project taking three separate nights to capture the Ha, Oiii and Sii data needed to bring the image together in the Hubble Palette.

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