Observation by Peter Goodhew FRAS: Kn26 - a rare quadrupolar planetary nebu...

Uploaded by

Peter Goodhew FRAS


Peter Goodhew FRAS


2021 Aug 20 - 18:03


2021 Aug 21 - 18:03


Sharpless 114

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 21h23m
Dec: +38°58'
Position angle: -0°58'

Field size

0°10' × 0°07'

  • APM TMB LZOS 152 Refractors
  • QSI6120 CCD Cameras
  • 10Micron GM2000 HPS mount

26 hours HaOIIILRGB


Fregenal de la Sierra, Spain

Target name



Kn26 - a rare quadrupolar planetary nebula

About this image

Kn26 is a small (110 arc seconds) planetary nebula in the constellation Cygnus. It lies very close to the relatively giant Flying Dragon Nebula (Sharpless-114) part of which can be seen to the right of the wide-field image.

Kn26 was discovered by Austrian amateur astronomer Matthias Kronberger in 2006, although it wasn't spectroscopically confirmed as a planetary nebula until 2011.
In 2012 it was established that it was a new member of the very small sub-class of quadrupolar planetary nebulae (https://www.aanda.org/articles/aa/pdf/2013/03/aa20592-12.pdf).

Almost all of the detailed structure is found in the Ha emission. 12 hours of OIII data only revealed the central core with no structural detail.

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