Observation by Steve Brown: Orion Nebula

Uploaded by

Steve Brown


Steve Brown


2022 Jan 06 - 01:06


2022 Jan 22 - 14:22


The Orion Nebula (M42)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 05h35m
Dec: -05°25'
Position angle: +25°47'

Field size

0°46' × 0°31'

  • NexStar 6SE
  • Canon 250D DSLR

19 stacked images each at 15 second exposure, ISO-6400


North Yorkshire, UK

Target name

Orion Nebula


Orion Nebula

About this image

The best shot of M42, the Orion Nebula, that I've managed to get to date. Taken with a Canon 250D through a NexStar 6SE scope (150mm SCT, fl 1500mm, f/10). I stacked 19 images with DSS and processed with PS Elements. My telescope is on an alt-az mount, which is tricky for long exposure astrophotography. I took about double the number of images but had to reject a lot that were not tracked properly, showing elongated or distorted stars etc. Also, to minimise tracking issues I had to take short exposures at high ISO. This has resulted in a noisier image than I'd like. I'm pleased with the way it turned out though.

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