Observation by Martina McGovern: Strawberry supermoon

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Martina McGovern


Martina McGovern


2022 Jun 14 - 23:12


2022 Jun 16 - 20:38


The Moon


Near Cambridge city UK, Bortle approx 4

Target name

Strawberry supermoon


Strawberry supermoon

About this image

A full Moon in and around this date - either the last full Moon of spring or the first full Moon of summer - is often known as a 'Strawberry Moon'.

Taken with my Panasonic G9 camera + zoom lens (100 to 400mm) fully out on a tripod. Single frame, F/6.3, 1/1600sec ISO 6400. Software, LR Topaz denoise + PS.

Wish I had taken a foreground shot and then layered them together… I’m still learning all things Nightscapes…. I’ll get there one day

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