Observation by Grant Privett: Milky Way - Again

Uploaded by

Grant Privett


Grant Privett


2022 Jun 26 - 01:00


2022 Jun 26 - 13:19


The Milky Way

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 18h52m
Dec: -02°51'
Position angle: +2°38'

Field size

43° × 61°

  • Canon M3 + Samyang 14mm
  • Star Adventurer

30s f/4 14mm Samyang lens


Near Salisbury

Target name

Milky Way


Milky Way - Again

About this image

Still seeing what I need to do to take a decent pic of the galaxy from Wiltshire. Hoped using a 14mm Samyang stopped down to f/4 would reduce some of the distortion but, even on a Star Adventurer, when I stacked the image the variable plate scale across the frame messed up the stacking somewhat. After messing about I managed to get most that shunted off to the top of the frame. So, the view shown is a cropped frame manually aligned on the Sagittarius area. 

I used cr2 frames throughout and the AstroArt8 adaptive background suppression function - with it run at 4 separate filter scales and combining the resultant images. Got some bright artefacts near the tree and horizon, but its a hell of a lot better than the source frames. Am now wondering what could be achieved with an old 24mm lens Canon made in the 80's - I have one knocking about. Ah, but do I have an adaptor....?

The image is harsher than I would like but, I'm still playing...

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