Observation by Andrew Paterson: Scorpius and Sagittarius from the South ...

Uploaded by

Andrew Paterson


Andrew Paterson


2022 Aug 10 - 21:00


2022 Aug 11 - 22:03



  • Canon G7X

1.3s F1.8 ISO 400


Hill Head Shore Fareham

Target name

Scorpius and Sagittarius


Scorpius and Sagittarius from the South Coast

About this image

A twilight view of the southern sky looking over the Solent to the Isle of Wight. Scorpius is to the right and Sagittarius to the left. Shaula (Lambda Scorpii) is just visible above the horizon in the centre of the image. The sting in the Scorpion's tail rises to about 2 degrees from the south coast of England and is the southernmost bright star visible from the UK.

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