Observation by Mark Phillips: Mars occultation by full Moon 8 December...

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Mark Phillips


Mark Phillips


2022 Dec 08 - 04:54


2022 Dec 08 - 09:11


The Moon

  • 250mm f4.8 Newtonian
  • ZWO ASI290MC
  • 3x Barlow

Forthimage Observatory, Edinburgh UK

Target name



Mars occultation by full Moon 8 December 2022

About this image

For clarity - this is not a composite image but a stack of a section of video, short enough not to show too much trailing of the Moon, although there is some.

Created a little video https://vimeo.com/779197425 of the occultation and reappearance showing how close I was to missing to re-appearance. Bit of ethereal music to accompany it :)

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Dr Richard John McKim
Dr Richard John McKim, 2022 Dec 17 - 09:24 UTC

Nice work. Do not forget, please, to send this image and any other Martian ones to the Section, at the email address in the rear of the Journal. That way contributions can be acknowledged in print later. Did you make timings? I would be glad to receive any.


Richard McKim, Director 

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