Observation by Duncan Hale-Sutton: Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) with 7x50 binocula...

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Duncan Hale-Sutton


Duncan Hale-Sutton


2023 Jan 15 - 04:58


2023 Jan 15 - 19:20


C/2022 E3

  • Nikon Action EX 7x50 binoculars

Neatishead, Norfolk

Target name

C/2022 E3 (ZTF)


Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) with 7x50 binoculars (drawing)

About this image

Drawing made with the use of 7x50 binoculars. The last quarter moon was shining in the south. I made this observation from indoors looking out through plate glass patio doors. I had to lie on the floor to get a good view!

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Nick James
Nick James, 2023 Jan 15 - 21:49 UTC

Nice to see a visual observation of this comet. You magnitude estimate is good too. I think M13 is around 5.8. The comet is currently around 6.5

Duncan Hale-Sutton
Duncan Hale-Sutton, 2023 Jan 15 - 22:11 UTC

Thanks Nick. It was a challenge to draw but preferable to standing outside with a camera in the cold wind in my dressing gown.

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