Observation by John Axtell: Mar Occulatation

Uploaded by

John Axtell


John Axtell


2022 Dec 27 - 05:00


2023 Jan 23 - 14:04


The Moon

  • Canon Powershot SX70HS

1/500 sec, f/6.5, ISO 100 (Auto)


Pyrford, Surrey

Target name

Mars Occultation


Mar Occulatation

About this image

Just happened to wake up at right time, grabbed bridge camera and popped outside, no time to find tripod so just leant against wall of house to steady the camera. Amazed that such a simple bridge camera can resolve Mars as a disc, and even hint at some surface features.  The camera has an incredible Zoom - optical 65x, equivalent 1350mm focal length.  This is a crop from original

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