Observation by Adam Rawlinson: NGC3953 & NGC3917

Uploaded by

Adam Rawlinson


Adam Rawlinson


2023 Feb 19 - 22:00


2023 Feb 20 - 14:04



  • Primaluce Airy 90 APO
  • SXPro 694 Trius C



Sandhurst UK

Target name

NGC3953 & 3917 et al


NGC3953 & NGC3917

About this image

I love imaging these galaxy groups

Seen here is a small part of the Ursa Major North galaxy group. (which comprises about 30 galaxies, including M109 (NGC 3992)) NGC3953 on the top right hand is approx 17Mpc distant. At 56mly this means the light left the galaxy in the early years of the Eocene period on Earth.

If the original FITS is stretched and inverted then it is possible to make out eight galaxies in the image.

There is a light sprinkling of what look like non-stellar obsects to bottom left of the image. Behind the forground stars. I have overlaid on Aladin and excluded all GaiaDR2, 2Mass and SIMBAD stars and there are still lots of small smudges here. These are very very faint and I suspect a far more distant galaxy group...will keep hunting the data sources!

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