Observation by Denis Buczynski: Auroral arc segment

Uploaded by

Denis Buczynski


Denis Buczynski


2023 Mar 26 - 01:18


2023 Mar 26 - 13:57



  • Samyang 14mm f/2.8 +Canon 550D

1x30s iso 6400


Tarbatness Highland Scotland

Target name



Auroral arc segment

About this image

Hello all,
After the auroral storm of 20230323_24 the night sky has been quieter with no auroral displays. However last night 20230325_26 there was some rather unusual activity. There was no trace of aurora on the northern horizon but there appeared some isolated patches/arc segments at around 45 degrees azimuth and 45 dgrees altitude. These parts of the aurora were very fast moving in terms of location and intensity. I have never seen this type of auroral activity before.The patches were changing in real time as we viewed them. I attach an MP4 video of the events which are between 20230326 00:06-0316 UT. This video comprises 205 consecutive 30s frames on Canon 550D iso 6400.I suggest watching the video at half speed. The dropbox link is https://www.dropbox.com/s/8si92edjzhid6qa/output.mp4?dl=0

As always the dropbox compression is heavy so is anyone wants a better copy of this video let me know.
Denis Buczynski

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Alex Pratt
Alex Pratt, 2023 Mar 26 - 14:55 UTC

Impressive work, Denis!

Did you record STEVE during this week's displays? I read that it's rare to see STEVE and aurorae at the same time?


Denis Buczynski
Denis Buczynski, 2023 Mar 26 - 14:58 UTC


No I did not see or record Steve at this display, although I have in the past. All very ephemeral these auroral features.


Alex Pratt
Alex Pratt, 2023 Mar 26 - 15:13 UTC

Thanks Denis. Looking forward to more good displays!


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