Observation by Richard Sargent: Cosmic Horseshoe Attempt -failed!

Uploaded by

Richard Sargent


Richard Sargent


2023 Mar 15 - 00:30


2023 Mar 31 - 18:37

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 11h48m
Dec: +19°29'
Position angle: -3°54'

Field size

0°18' × 0°15'

  • C14 at f7 and Atik 460EX camera

46 x 1 minute exposures

Target name

The Cosmic Horseshoe LRG3-757


Cosmic Horseshoe Attempt -failed!

About this image

This is my failed attempt (sob)to capture the DSS March object of interest. The total imaging time of 46 minutes was too short, affected by thin cloud and eventually terminated by complete cloud cover. Not had a sufficiently clear sky since so no chance to try again. Foreground galaxy LRG 3-757 highlighted with arrow but no cosmic horseshoe visible. A very challenging object of interest!

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Dr Paul Leyland
Dr Paul Leyland, 2023 Apr 02 - 14:27 UTC

Personally I think you have picked up a hint of the Horseshoe.  Look closely at the inset negative image. There is a faint disc of pixels slightly darker than the sky. Given that information, I can see the same features in the positive image. Emboldened by this, I took a screen shot and ran some magick on it.  ImageMagick to be precise. It appears I can't add an image within this comment but I can try to make it available elsewhere. The bright western patch of the lensed galaxy is undoubtedly present. The northern arc is detectable to my eyes.

If you wish to take this further, please let me have the original and highest quality image stack and I will see what I can do. I've had rather lot of practice in recent years in making visible objects which are markedly fainter than the sky background.


Richard Sargent
Richard Sargent, 2023 Apr 02 - 17:48 UTC

Thanks for your comments Paul. I did see the same hints of the disc in the image that you referred to but didn't want to claim anything. I'll leave this object for another day when I can give it more time.

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