Observation by Alan Thomas: IC1101 Supergiant Galaxy in Virgo

Uploaded by

Alan Thomas


Alan Thomas


2023 Apr 15 - 00:00


2023 Apr 16 - 11:26



  • 42cm CDK17 corrected Dall-Kirkham f/6.8
  • FLI ProLine KAF-09000 camera
  • 10Micron GM4000 mount



Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife

Target name

IC1101 Supergiant Galaxy in Virgo


IC1101 Supergiant Galaxy in Virgo

About this image

IC1101 is a supergiant elliptical galaxy in Virgo. It is the brightest galaxy in the Abell 2029 galaxy cluster, and holds the distinction of being (possibly) the largest known galaxy in the Universe, hence its attraction to me as an object of interest. In keeping with its exceptional size, it harbours an ultramassive black hole in the range of 40-100 billion solar masses - gulp!

I have been keen to obtain an image of this supergiant object for some time, and am very grateful to the COAST in Tenerife for enabling me to get it.

Distance c.1billion ly. Size c.600,000ly. Apparent mag. 13.7.

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