Observation by Les Dickens: The Sun

Uploaded by

Les Dickens


Les Dickens


2023 May 04 - 10:50


2023 May 15 - 15:07


The Sun

  • Coronado PST
  • ZWO ASI178MM camera

12.55 ms


Cheltenham, UK

Target name

Sun - 2023.05.04


The Sun

About this image

500 frames of which the best 150 selected; 16 bit .SER format; video capture time 96 secs.

A second video (78 secs) with longer exposure time (~ 50 secs) and higher gain was taken to capture the prominence detail.

Processed with IRIS.

It is difficult to get an image at prime focus with a PST (although it does seem to vary from day to day – I’m not sure why). To get this image I wedged an old Barlow lens into the eyepiece tube at about 1 cm distance from the camera sensor; this had the added advantage of magnifying the image to almost fill the sensor.

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