Observation by Grant Privett: Borisov's Nebula
Uploaded by
Grant Privett
Grant Privett
2023 Jul 20 - 01:23
2023 Jul 22 - 10:24
Borisov's variable nebula
- 300mm f/4 Newtonian
- NEQ6+Rowan belt upgrade
- Starlight Xpress Trius 694 mono
47x 30s
Near Salisbury
Target name
Borisov's Nebula
Borisov's Nebula
About this image
Its still there. Its a dim patch of nebulosity in Cepheus which appeared a few years ago. According to my measurements its nearly unchanging - though Richard Sargent finds that some of the nearby stars vary in brightness. I will keep watching it.
I was glad I managed to fit it in before observing Chandrayaan-3 and completing an all-nighter. Went to bed with the dawn chorus just starting and a lovely dawn approaching. No NLCs unfortunately.
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Nice image Grant and very good detail showing for a ~24 minute exposure. But how come you're getting a clear night sky? All I get is constant cloud and a lot of rain!
Parts of Devon, Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire stayed clear for 6-7 hours one night and once it got dark I went out! I was after Chandrayaan3 mainly but that didn't rise above our hedge until 2ish and then was low, even when dusk appeared.
I think the seeing must have been exceptional as the Gyulbudaghian is pretty good too. I didn't do anything different to normal!
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