Observation by Nick James: C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) and NGC 7086

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Nick James


Nick James


2023 Aug 09 - 23:45


2023 Aug 10 - 19:47


C/2023 E1

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 21h27m
Dec: +52°24'
Position angle: +1°42'

Field size

3°09' × 2°15'

  • 72mm, f/4.8 refr. + ASI294MC



Chelmsford, UK

Target name

C/2023 E1 (ATLAS)


C/2023 E1 (ATLAS) and NGC 7086

About this image

This large and diffuse comet is now around 9th magnitude with a coma around 0.25 degree diameter. This wide-field image shows the comet near to open cluster NGC 7086 in Cygnus. The image has been stacked using an iterative median rejection scheme which separates the comet from the stars so that the comet can be shown frozen against the star field. In reality the comet was moving at around 4.6 arcsec/min against the background. It should now be fading but the total magnitude has been reasonably constant over the last few weeks. 

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Adam Rawlinson
Adam Rawlinson, 2023 Aug 10 - 20:08 UTC

I love this image - what software are you using for the median rejection?

Nick James
Nick James, 2023 Aug 10 - 20:16 UTC

Adam - Thanks! It was taken just after yours.

It is my own software which has been written to do this automatically and produce an astrometrically and photometrically correct stack. It is Linux command line so definitely not for the faint hearted but Denis Buczynski has used it successfully with his setup. Here's an example of his work done with the same software. He runs it in a virtual machine under Windows 10.

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