Observation by Kevin Gurney: Cat's Eye Nebula

Uploaded by

Kevin Gurney


Kevin Gurney


2023 Aug 19 - 20:51


2023 Sep 09 - 21:04


The Cat's Eye Nebula (NGC6543)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 17h58m
Dec: +66°37'
Position angle: +4°38'

Field size

0°14' × 0°12'

  • ZWO ASI 1600MM pro
  • Williams Optics Star 71
  • Fornax 102 mount
  • Baader LRGB Filters
  • Atik EFW
  • LodestarX2 guide camera
  • Starkeeper Voyager
  • Pixinsight

24x300s Lum, 13x300s Red, 13x300s Green, 12x30s Blue


Charente, France

Target name

Cat's Eye Nebula


Cat's Eye Nebula

About this image

This planetary nebula  is a challenging target as it comprises a very bright central core and a faint, surrounding nebulosity. As well as the 300s subs, I also collected data at 30s and 120s with a view to using these shorter exposures for the core, and then combining with the 300s data for the surround. Alas, this proved too demanding: the Pixinsight High Dynamic Range combination tool was thwarted, and all my ad hoc methods failed too. I therefore eventually used only the 300s data (albeit 5 hours worth)  but worked to tone down the core with some masking.

I think the final result does show some detail in the core but it doesnt do it justice - see the Hubble images of this region which show a beautiful spiral structure

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