Observation by Alun Halsey: IC 1396

Uploaded by

Paul Downing


Alun Halsey


2023 Sep 05 - 21:19


2023 Sep 29 - 07:28


The Elephant Trunk (IC1396)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 21h35m
Dec: +57°27'
Position angle: +100°38'

Field size

0°53' × 0°39'

  • SW Esprit 150ED apo triplet with 0.77x reducer/flattener
  • SX Trius Pro 694 mono CCD
  • SX filter wheel and OAG (Lodestar guide camera)
  • Baader 2" narrowband filters Ha & OIII (7nm)
  • Mesu-200 Mk1

5x600 Ha & 5x600 OIII

Target name

The Elephant's Trunk Nebula


IC 1396

About this image

Bi-colour image created in Maxim DL4 using Ha/OIII/OIII palette after stacking image sets in Deepskystacker,processed in Photoshop CS2 using combination of Annie's and Astronomy Tools action sets. No dark/flat frame subtraction.

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