Observation by mattiazzo: C/2023 E1 ATLAS rendezvous with the Heli...

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BAA Comet Section




2023 Oct 01 - 00:00


2023 Oct 03 - 20:14


C/2023 E1

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 22h26m
Dec: -20°37'
Position angle: -2°36'

Field size

1°49' × 0°58'

Full filename


Target name

C/2023 E1


C/2023 E1 ATLAS rendezvous with the Helix Nebula NGC7293. 2023 October 01 at 10:20UT. C11 RASA f/2.2 + Canon 6D. 10 mins. FOV 2 deg. North up. from Swan Hill, Victoria, Aus. Comet C/2023 E1 ATLAS remains bright (approx 11th mag) and shows a large, diffuse 5' coma.

About this image
C/2023 E1 ATLAS rendezvous with the Helix Nebula NGC7293. 2023 October 01 at 10:20UT. C11 RASA f/2.2 + Canon 6D. 10 mins. FOV 2 deg. North up. from Swan Hill, Victoria, Aus. Comet C/2023 E1 ATLAS remains bright (approx 11th mag) and shows a large, diffuse 5' coma.
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