Observation by Mike Mattiazzo: Comet 12P Pons-Brooks on 2024 May 1 at 0...

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BAA Comet Section


Mike Mattiazzo


2024 May 01 - 00:00


2024 Jun 05 - 07:07


12P Pons-Brooks

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 04h06m
Dec: +02°18'
Position angle: -4°40'

Field size

3°16' × 2°09'

Full filename


Target name

12P Pons-Brooks


Comet 12P Pons-Brooks on 2024 May 1 at 09:00UT. using a C11 RASA f/2.2 + Canon 6D. iso1600 15x30sec. FOV 3 deg. North up. near Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia. Stacked in Deepskystacker. Processed in Maxim DL. The blue ion tail is less active tonight, but the tuffs of smoke are likely disconnections. The yellow dust tail has sharp curvature towards the north. Visual estimate through 8x40mm binoculars = 4.9. Visual tail about 1 degree. Not visible to the naked eye due to low altitude. A reminder that colour is only seen photographically, not visuall

About this image
Comet 12P Pons-Brooks on 2024 May 1 at 09:00UT. using a C11 RASA f/2.2 + Canon 6D. iso1600 15x30sec. FOV 3 deg. North up. near Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia. Stacked in Deepskystacker. Processed in Maxim DL. The blue ion tail is less active tonight, but the tuffs of smoke are likely disconnections. The yellow dust tail has sharp curvature towards the north. Visual estimate through 8x40mm binoculars = 4.9. Visual tail about 1 degree. Not visible to the naked eye due to low altitude. A reminder that colour is only seen photographically, not visuall
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