Observation by Duncan Hale-Sutton: Double star Nu Draconis

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Duncan Hale-Sutton


Duncan Hale-Sutton


2024 May 01 - 22:08


2024 May 15 - 21:31



  • Orion OMC-140 Maksutov Cassegrain
  • Nikon D90 at prime focus
  • HEQ-5 mount

5s at ISO 1600, f/14.3


Neatishead, Norfolk

Target name

Double star Nu Draconis


Double star Nu Draconis

About this image

Another double star from the night of the 1st May. With the D90 at prime focus it gives about 0.59 arc seconds per pixel. This image is a crop of the original full frame. I have orientated it with north at the top and west to the right. Nu 1 and Nu 2 are both magnitude 4.88. The separation and position angle of this double is 62.3 arcseconds and 311 degrees respectively. A couple of measurements from this frame gave an average of 62.8 arcseconds and 311 degrees.

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