Observation by Gary Eason: Lunar montes and Mare Serenitatis

Uploaded by

Gary Eason


Gary Eason


2024 May 15 - 20:58


2024 May 18 - 15:23


The Moon

  • ZWO ASI585MC
  • Baader Hyperion 2.25x Barlow
  • Antlia IR 685 pass filter
  • Sky-Watcher Explorer 150P
  • Sky-Watcher EQ-5 Pro

Colchester UK

Target name

The Moon


Lunar montes and Mare Serenitatis

About this image

Northern part of the first quarter Moon on 2024 May 15, from Colchester UK. Video on an ASI585MC in Firecapture, with the best 20% of frames stacked in ASIVideoStack and tweaked in Lightroom. Baader Hyperion 2.25x Barlow and Antlia IR 685 pass filter on Sky-Watcher 150P.  I opted for the near infrared because the otherwise good seeing was afflicted by passing bands of thin high cloud. 

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