Observation by Peter Hannah: Barnard 72 - the S Nebula

Uploaded by

Peter Hannah


Peter Hannah


2021 Jul 10 - 00:00


2024 May 20 - 14:57


The Snake Nebula (Barnard 72)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 17h24m
Dec: -23°38'
Position angle: -178°18'

Field size

0°47' × 0°36'

  • Planewave CDK 14
  • 10Micron GM2000 mount
  • FLI Proline P9000 CCD camera
  • Astrodon LRGB filters

Total 12 hours


IC Astronomy, Oria, Spain

Target name

Barnard 72


Barnard 72 - the S Nebula

About this image

The inspiration for this image was the 1972 book 'The Radiant Universe' by Hans Rohr. The book was filled with beautiful astronomical images, many using techniques that were cutting-edge at the time. The image of an almost perfect little 'S' embedded in the star clouds of the milky way was one that stayed with me so I took the opportunity to recreate it with my own equipment.

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