Observation by Alan Thomas: Arp214 (NGC3718) Interacting Galaxies i...

Uploaded by

Alan Thomas


Alan Thomas


2024 May 15 - 21:25


2024 May 26 - 11:14


Arp 322

Planetarium overlay


Ursa Major

Field centre

RA: 11h33m
Dec: +53°05'
Position angle: -0°51'

Field size

0°26' × 0°23'

  • 42cm CDK17 corrected Dall-Kirkham f/6.8
  • ProLine KAF-09000 camera
  • 10Micron GM4000 mount



Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife

Target name

Arp214 (NGC3718) Interacting Galaxies in Ursa Major


Arp214 (NGC3718) Interacting Galaxies in Ursa Major

About this image

NGC3718 (Arp214) is a mag. 10.8 spiral galaxy, & 3729 (L) is a mag. 11.9 spiral galaxy. Both were discovered by William Herschel on the night of April 12 1789 . The peculiar shape of 3718 is believed to be a consequence of interaction with 3729, though the latter is more than 12million ly further away (distances: 3718 c.52million ly, 3729 c.65million ly).

In this COAST image, 3718 looks like a 'split' galaxy, with the two sides a mirror image of each other. This effect seems to be created by a band of dust obscuring part of the nucleus. Plumes can be seen at the N and S ends of the disk.

Below 3718 is HCG56 (Arp322), a group of five galaxies seen at the extreme distance of c.434million ly, with magnitudes ranging from c.15.0 to 17.0. The three central galaxies (B,C & D) appear to be interacting.

An interesting set of objects.

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