Observation by John Arnold: Changes over 9 minutes in a minor solar ...

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John Arnold


John Arnold


2024 May 25 - 08:19


2024 May 27 - 10:37


The Sun

  • Skywatcher 102 f/5 refractor, Daystar Quark chromosphere unit, 0.5x focal reducer, ASI178MM camera

exp. time 0.082 msec, both images are stacks of best 250 from 10,000-frame video


Suburban North Leeds

Target name

Small filament near AR3686


Changes over 9 minutes in a minor solar filament near AR3686

About this image

Animation using two images taken 9 minutes apart, showing changes in a small filament. I only noticed this when processing the images later.

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John Arnold
John Arnold, 2024 May 27 - 14:33 UTC

In an image taken 36 minutes later, the little twisting prominence had disappeared. 

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