Observation by Paul Whitmarsh: AR3664 playing peek-a-boo

Uploaded by

Paul Whitmarsh


Paul Whitmarsh


2024 May 27 - 16:00


2024 May 28 - 06:46


The Sun

  • Lunt 60 B1200

Mileaway Observatory Uckfield

Target name

The Remnants of an 2.8 x-class flare


AR3664 playing peek-a-boo

About this image

The aftermath of the X2.8 flare from the area of AR3664 which is just round the SE limb. AR3664 was the group responsible for the great auroral display of the 10th May.
With group AR3691 on the NE face, within a few days we could see two large sunspot groups Earth facing.

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