Observation by Adam Rawlinson: M13 - Narrowband experiment

Uploaded by

Adam Rawlinson


Adam Rawlinson


2024 May 27 - 22:00


2024 May 28 - 09:31


The Great Globular Cluster in Hercules (M13)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 16h41m
Dec: +36°27'
Position angle: -41°36'

Field size

1°11' × 0°57'

  • Primaluce Airy 90 APO
  • skywatcher EQ6 pier mounted
  • SXPro 694 Trius C
  • Astronomika NB filters



Sandhurst UK

Target name



M13 - Narrowband experiment

About this image

Have now fitted the setup with a new ZWO EFW and populated with narrowband filters ready for the summer nebular season.

Desperate to try it all out so grabbed the first object I could find (sky not wholly dark) M13 drew short straw

So this is Luminance with a L2(clear) then I have mapped Ha to R channel, OIII to G and SII to B.

Some really interesting stuff if compared to unfiltered - including interesting halo effect around HIP 81848 an old K type star (not evident elsewhere  but this is a bright star so may be seeing / optics related will investigate)

Little NGC6207 is visible also.

One aspect i will need to deal with is that this is being done with a OSC camera. Im losing information through the bayer, but this at least proves the setup works.





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