Observation by Richard Francis: Thor's Helmet

Uploaded by

Richard Francis


Richard Francis


2021 Mar 02 - 15:53


2024 Jun 02 - 15:56


The Duck Nebula (NGC2359)

Planetarium overlay


Canis Major

Field centre

RA: 07h18m
Dec: -13°14'
Position angle: -0°09'

Field size

1°03' × 1°01'

  • Officina Stellare UCRC360
  • Paramount ME II
  • FLI Kepler 4040

~24 hours of 60s RGB frames + 300s SHO frames


La Romieu, SW France

Target name

NGC 2359, Thor's Helmet


Thor's Helmet

About this image

I've had these data on disk for a long time (since spring 2021), being a bit put off by having captured the data at two different temperatures (-10C and -15C) so that preprocessing would have to be done separately before combining later. And there are a lot of data -- about 24 hours worth, split into 300s exposures for the narrow band and 60s for the RGB stars.

Still, after about a day's work it has been worth it.

This is NGC 2359, also known as Thor's Helmet. I can see why, but in this orientation it looks more like a man reaching his arms out. I used the HOO palette -- I did have some SII data but there is little signal.

It is a fascinating object: The Annals of the Deep Sky (Vol 3) devotes 7 pages to it, summarising it as "Wolf-Rayet-blown bubble embedded in a diffuse H II region". The Wolf-Rayet star in question is visible as the bright star a bit to the upper-right of the centre of the bubble in this image. It is in last stage before it becomes a supernova. It's about 12000 light years distant so we should be out of harms way !


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