Observation by Paul Anthony Brierley: IC 4665

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Paul Anthony Brierley


Paul Anthony Brierley


2024 Jun 02 - 01:05


2024 Jun 02 - 16:11



  • Altair Astro 115EDT
  • ASI 294MCP

59x60 seconds


Whirlpool Control room SK11

Target name

IC 4665


IC 4665

About this image
This bright cluster of stars is located in the summer constellation of Ophiuchus and lies very close to Beta Oph, or "Cebalrai". It is visible with the unaided eye, provided your skies are clear and light free. 
Through binoculars or a small telescope. IC 4665 is a nice object to observe. The name of the "Summer Beehive cluster" is particularly apt at this time of the year.
It was discovered by Philippe Loy's de Chéseaux in 1745 and not Charles Messier. It has been suggested the reason why Messier missed it was because he was using a telescope that didn't have a wide enough field of view.
The cluster began to develop less than 40 million years ago and lies about 1,400 light years away from Earth. 
This image was taken last night through an Altair Astro 115EDT telescope.


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