Observation by Jimmy Fraser: Noctilucent Cloud 2-3 June 2024

Uploaded by

Jimmy Fraser


Jimmy Fraser


2024 Jun 03 - 01:44


2024 Jun 03 - 14:29


Noctilucent cloud

  • Fuji XT5
  • Fuji 16mm f/2.8

Exposure 0,6 seconds f/2.8 ISO 320


Alness, Scotland.

Target name

Noctilucent Cloud June 2-3, 2024


Noctilucent Cloud 2-3 June 2024

About this image

A quite extensive display, up to a height of 40 deg.

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Steve Brown
Steve Brown, 2024 Jun 03 - 18:01 UTC

Nice to see the season underway from the UK.

Jimmy Fraser
Jimmy Fraser, 2024 Jun 03 - 21:22 UTC

Yes, they are a special part of the summer nights. Mads Peter Iversen made a nice video about them on youtube a couple of years ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KutD7gEEwmg

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