Observation by Richard Francis: A group of Lynds' Bright Nebulae

Uploaded by

Richard Francis


Richard Francis


2023 Aug 20 - 14:39


2024 Jun 04 - 14:44


LBN 368

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 20h34m
Dec: +47°36'
Position angle: +0°21'

Field size

1°00' × 1°03'

  • Officina Stellare U-CRC360
  • FLI Kepler 4040
  • Paramount MEII

over 17 hours SHO, some 300s but mostly 600s


La Romieu, SW France

Target name

LBN 368


A group of Lynds' Bright Nebulae

About this image

I collected two sets of data consecutively in this region, with about 80% overlap – the original framing caught only half of the planetary nebula so after a few night imaging I moved the field a little. In fact none of the raw data sub-frames looked very promising and I left them for almost a year before processing.

But I'm glad I did get around to it. I processed both sets together and as part of the process produced a starless image using the StarXTerminator plugin for PixInsight.

Here we see a region of ionised hydrogen (HII) and. The various patches of nebulosity have been individually identified in Beverly Lynds' catalogue of Bright Nebulae (LBN), as can be seen in the mouse-over. There's also  a small planetary nebula, PK085+04.1in the lower left part of the image.

The image frame is located a little to the north west of Deneb.

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