Observation by Dr Paul Leyland: Palomar 5

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Dr Paul Leyland


Dr Paul Leyland


2022 Aug 24 - 20:46


2024 Jun 05 - 11:51


UGC 9792

  • 0.4m Dilworth Relay
  • SX 814 CCD camera
  • No filter

2680s in 47 subs


Tacande Observatory, MPC J22

Target name

Palomar 5


Palomar 5

About this image

Palomar 5 is a faint sparse globular cluster in Serpens. Not discovered until the 1950s, it was first thought to be a dwarf galaxy, and was catalogued as UGC 9792. A number of much brighter stars lie in front of this cluster.

Because its members are faint and sparse, background noise was troublesome after necessary contrast-stretching; consequently FABADA was used to good effect to remove the noise without significantly blurring the image.

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Dr Paul Leyland
Dr Paul Leyland, 2024 Jun 16 - 21:23 UTC

Thanks, Callum, for telling us about the addition of the UGC to the tags possibilities. Now tagged, even though it isn't a galaxy!

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