Observation by Chris Hooker: Mercury on 5th June 2024

Uploaded by

Chris Hooker


Chris Hooker


2024 Jun 05 - 07:00


2024 Jun 05 - 22:09



  • 254 mm F/6.3 Newtonian
  • 5x IR Barlow
  • 610 nm long-pass and 850 nm short-pass filters
  • ZWO ASI174MM camera

Exposure 0.35 ms @ F/31


Didcot, Oxfordshire

Target name



Mercury on 5th June 2024

About this image

Mercury imaged in the red and near infra-red, in moderately good conditions. Although there were interruptions by clouds, these helped to prevent heating of nearby roofs, thus keeping the seeing reasonably good. 260,000 video frames were captured over 45 minutes. The final image is a sharpened stack of 1780 frames or about 0.7% of the total, which is above average for Mercury. The videos were processed in PIPP and Registax, and final frame selection was done manually using VirtualDub.

The result shows many of the same features as a blurred image from Messenger data.

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