Observation by apearce: Interesting observation of C/2020 V2 usi...

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BAA Comet Section




2024 Jun 11 - 00:00


2024 Jun 23 - 09:37


C/2020 V2 (ZTF)

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C/2020 V2 (ZTF)


Interesting observation of C/2020 V2 using a 50cm reflector + CCD on June 11.05 UT. Comet m1 = 13.9. I have enhanced contrast of the image somewhat, the original image shows a tail extending out of the field of view so that it's at least 19' long in PA 19 deg. Image field width is 20' with N to the left and E down. It's not often that such a long tail is seen with a faint comet. I hope the tail comes out OK on the image in the FB post.

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Interesting observation of C/2020 V2 using a 50cm reflector + CCD on June 11.05 UT. Comet m1 = 13.9. I have enhanced contrast of the image somewhat, the original image shows a tail extending out of the field of view so that it's at least 19' long in PA 19 deg. Image field width is 20' with N to the left and E down. It's not often that such a long tail is seen with a faint comet. I hope the tail comes out OK on the image in the FB post.
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