Observation by Richard Francis: Markarian's Chain (part of it)

Uploaded by

Richard Francis


Richard Francis


2020 Apr 23 - 08:47


2024 Jun 12 - 08:52



Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 12h26m
Dec: +12°54'
Position angle: +179°49'

Field size

0°56' × 0°43'

  • Officina Stellare U-CRC360
  • Paramount ME II
  • FLI Kepler 4040

4x300s each of LRGB


La Romieu, SW France

Target name

Markarian's Chain


Markarian's Chain (part of it)

About this image

Another image from the back-catalogue. In this case it's more than 4 years between data collection and processing. Partly that's because there were so few data (only 1h 20m). Luckily all passed the first quality control. But even so, it's not so much to make an image -- one day I'll collect more !

This image shows one end of Markarian's Chain (of galaxies). The whole, curved, chain extends to the right of this view about the same distance again, looping up to the upper right. They are part of the Virgo Cluster (a group of about 1300 individual galaxies centred about 54 million light years away from us -- relatively close).

The two large elliptical galaxies on the left were discovered by Charles Messier and so have the identifiers M84 and M86. The others are listed in the New General Catalogue (NGC). The group is named after Benjamin Markarian who, in the 1960's, found that the whole group had a common motion and so were linked.

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