Observation by Steve Brown: Noctilucent clouds - 13 June 2024 00.39 ...

Uploaded by

Steve Brown


Steve Brown


2024 Jun 13 - 00:39


2024 Jun 13 - 14:59


Noctilucent cloud

  • Canon 600D
  • Canon 50mm lens

1s exp at f/2.0, ISO-400, fl 50mm


North Yorkshire, UK

Target name

Noctilucent clouds


Noctilucent clouds - 13 June 2024 00.39 UT

About this image

A close-up shot of the noctilucent clouds display on 12-13 June 2024. I find that the Canon 50mm 'nifty-fifty' lens gives quite a good view of noctilucent clouds and allows a lot of detail in their forms to be seen. The display was quite a good one for this stage of the season.

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