Observation by Kevin Gurney: Arp 281 with Whale galaxy

Uploaded by

Kevin Gurney


Kevin Gurney


2024 Jun 12 - 23:36


2024 Jun 16 - 13:41


Arp 281
The Whale Galaxy (NGC4631)

Planetarium overlay


Canes Venatici

Field centre

RA: 12h42m
Dec: +32°33'
Position angle: +0°23'

Field size

0°17' × 0°11'

  • C11 HD
  • Fornax 102 mount
  • ZWO ASI1600MM
  • Atik EFW
  • Baader LUM filter
  • Software: Starkeeper Voyager, Pixinsight

24 x 300s LUM bin 1x1


Embourie France

Target name

Arp 281 with Whale Galaxy


Arp 281 with Whale galaxy

About this image

The Whale Galaxy - NGC 4631 - is in Coma Berenices and is a large

edge-on spiral galaxy. Together with its smaller companion NGC 4627,

it comprise Arp 281.


This image is 2hrs of Luminance data only (single night). Technical

issues caused by some thin cloud made data acquisition tricky and it

took longer than 2 hours to acquire this set. No time for RGB and

weather outlook over next few days was not good - so I cut my losses and


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