Observation by Graham Roberts: NGC 7023 Iris Nebula

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Graham Roberts


Graham Roberts


2018 Jul 22 - 22:00


2024 Jun 16 - 18:32


The Iris Nebula (NGC7023)


NGC 7023 Iris Nebula

About this image

Whilst the highlight is the alluring bright blue reflection nebula NGC 7023 AKA Iris Nebula, careful processing reveals that this celestial flower is enveloped within a vast region of interstellar dust, altogether making for a spectacular image.   Strictly speaking NGC 7023 refers to an open cluster within the reflection nebula, which is itself illuminated by a magnitude +7.4 star designated HD 200775 – the cropped starless image shows the beautiful detail that makes up the Iris ‘flower’.

For further details on this image please see my website here: https://watchthisspaceman.com/2024/06/16/celestial-fleur-de-lys/



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