Observation by John Arnold: H-alpha activity in AR3712 over the cour...

Uploaded by

John Arnold


John Arnold


2024 Jun 16 - 14:38


2024 Jun 17 - 18:27


The Sun

  • Skywatcher 102 f/5 refractor, Daystar Quark chromosphere unit, 0.5x focal reducer, ASI178MM camera, Skywatcher AZ-GTi mount

Suburban North Leeds

Target name

Sunspot group AR3712


H-alpha activity in AR3712 over the course of 76 minutes

About this image

Images captured during the intervals between obscuring clouds. The file has been very heavily cropped and compressed to bring the size down to 3 MB, which has noticeably reduced the quality. The original file is 14 MB.

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