Observation by Mr Simon Francis Dawes: WHole Disk White Light 2024-06-26-0635UT

Uploaded by

Mr Simon Francis Dawes


Mr Simon Francis Dawes


2024 Jun 26 - 06:35


2024 Jul 01 - 08:43


The Sun

  • Baader Solar Safety Film
  • Skywatcher 190MN
  • ZWO ASI 1600MM Pro
  • Mesu e200 Mount
  • Altair Astro GPCAM II
  • Mesu e200 Mount

~0.3ms 5pc of 1000 frames


William James II Observatory, Bexleyheath, England (Bortle 8)

Target name

Whole Disk White Light 2024-06-26-0635UT


WHole Disk White Light 2024-06-26-0635UT

About this image

seeing 3-4 unable to get sharp focus, shimmer across Sun, clear sky but very white (lots of haze/moisture/particulates)

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