Observation by Nick James: Comet 13P/Olbers

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Nick James


Nick James


2024 Jul 06 - 22:51


2024 Jul 07 - 11:24


13P Olbers

  • 72mm, f/4.8 refr. + ASI294MC



Chelmsford, UK

Target name



Comet 13P/Olbers

About this image

This comet shows very complex tail structure in images taken using fast instruments in a dark sky. From here it is difficult to get it in a dark sky since it is very low in the NW twilight. After a week of cloudy evenings I got back from London last night around 11pm BST and the sky was very transparent after a wet day.  I rushed to get everything set up and I am pleased with the result. The elongation is increasing and the 70mm refractor on the side of my main telescope can now follow 13P until around 2300 UTC before it starts to be affected by the shed roof. The C11 is lower on the mount and gets affected from around 2230 so the flats don't correct very well. The image shows the long, thin ion tail. I get a total magnitude of 6.7 using comphot.

I managed to image six comets through the short night, a few variables including T Crb and the NEO 2024 MK. After midnight there was also a nice display of NLC in the NE from Chelmsford.

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