Observation by Alex Pratt: Video astrometry of PHA 2024 MK - 2024 J...

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Alex Pratt


Alex Pratt


2024 Jul 01 - 00:01


2024 Jul 17 - 14:48


2024 MK

  • C11 f/10 and f/3.3 focal reducer
  • QHY174M-GPS camera
  • SharpCap Pro (recording)
  • Tangra (reduction)

60 x 1s


Leeds, West Yorkshire (Bortle 7)

Target name

PHA 2024 MK


Video astrometry of PHA 2024 MK - 2024 Jul 1

About this image

I was clouded out on June 29/30, the night of closest approach of this Potentially Hazardous Asteroid, but conditions were much better in the early hours of July 1. The asteroid was then nearer mag 15.

I obtained some 60s-duration recordings with my digital GPS-synched camera (1s exposure time) but Tangra was written to support analogue video cameras. Its developer Hristo Pavlov kindly modified a beta version to read the GPS-timestamp from the ADV file and applied other fixes in the motion-fitting code.

At 00:01 UT I measured the asteroid's sky motion to be 0.35"/sec in RA and 0.22"/sec in Dec. MPC gave a combined value of 25"/min (0.42"/sec).

Astrometry was submitted to the MPC and the residuals compare well with other stations. Further tests with the digital camera are planned, weather permitting.

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