Observation by Luigi Morrone: Return of the Venus Cloud Discontinuity

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Luigi Morrone


Luigi Morrone


2024 Jul 17 - 17:50


2024 Jul 20 - 13:42



  • Setup:C14 Edge HD, Fornax52 mount, QHY5III200M V2,FFC Badder, Baader Sloan z-s' 820-920nm,ADC Pierro Astro MK3

Agerola - Amalfitan Coast -Italy

Target name



Return of the Venus Cloud Discontinuity

About this image

Return of the Venus Cloud Discontinuity July 17th  2024

The cloud discontinuity is a recurrent large-scale wave observed to propagate during decades at the deeper clouds of Venus (47–56 km above the surface) and observable on near infrared wavelengths from 700-900 nm. The feature was first identify on Venus observations acquired by the Japanese Akatsuki spacecraft. The feature circulates around the atmosphere with a period of about 5 days and has been observed once over more than 100 days in succesive rotations of the planets.

Setup:C14 Edge HD, Fornax52 mount, QHY5III200M V2,FFC Badder, Baader Sloan z-s' 820-920nm,ADC Pierro Astro MK3

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Agerola-Amalfitan Coast-Italy

#C14 #baader #qhyccd

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