Observation by Adam Rawlinson: NGC6888 in Ha

Uploaded by

Adam Rawlinson


Adam Rawlinson


2024 Jul 19 - 20:00


2024 Jul 24 - 17:09


The Crescent Nebula (NGC6888)

  • Primaluce Airy 90 APO
  • SXPro 694 Trius C

5000sec via Ha filter


Sandhurst UK

Target name



NGC6888 in Ha

About this image

This image nicely shows the Hydrogen filaments within this emission nebular.

Formed from gas eminating from WR136 a wolf rayet star in two waves, a slow moving outward as a remnant from earlier transition to a red giant, and a faster moving wave coming behind. The result is shock waves with gas being excited (hence visible so nicely in Ha).

About 5000lyrs away

This object was visible visually through my 250mm LX200 but the filament in the middle was not.


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