Observation by Simon Paul Davis: Cygnus loop

Uploaded by

Simon Paul Davis


Simon Paul Davis


2024 Jul 28 - 22:30


2024 Aug 22 - 11:24


The Eastern Veil Nebula (Caldwell 33)
The Western Veil Nebula (NGC6960)

Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 20h51m
Dec: +30°48'
Position angle: +76°16'

Field size

3°40' × 3°02'

  • Sharpstar HNT15028 150mm Newtonian
  • ASI1600MM Pro
  • OAG with ASI2900MM
  • Ha, Sii and Oiii filters

40 x 120 Seconds Guided, Ha, Sii and Oiii (each of 5 panels)


Hampshire Bortle 5/6

Target name

Cygnus Loop


Cygnus loop

About this image

This has been a bit of a project for me as I have always wanted a picyure of the complete Veil nebula (Cygnus loop) but it is too wide field for my scope.  This is a narrowband mosaic (processed in PixInsight) consisting of 5 panels (should have been 4 but my poor mosaic planning got in the way!). 

Each panel consisted of over 4 hours of data taken overnight, each with Ha, Sii and Oiii.  The palette is a modified HSO pallete with Hydrogen mapped to red. 

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