Observation by Steve Brown: Chi Cygni

Uploaded by

Steve Brown


Steve Brown


2024 Aug 07 - 02:20


2024 Sep 06 - 21:28



Planetarium overlay



Field centre

RA: 19h50m
Dec: +32°54'
Position angle: +23°28'

Field size

2°11' × 1°14'

  • Canon 250D
  • Evostar 72ED
  • Star Adventurer

53 x 6s exp at 420mm fl, f/5.8, ISO-1600


North Yorkshire, UK

Target name

Chi Cygni


Chi Cygni

About this image

Shot of the star Chi Cygni - a Mira-type variable star in Cygnus. I'm not much of a variable star observer but a few days previously, I'd noticed that Cygnus looked a little different in some of my shots. There was a brighter star in the constellation that I don't remember noticing before. This led to me 'discovering' the variable star Chi Cygni and it seemed to be in its brighter stage. I thought I'd get a closer shot at my next opportunity. From my images, it looks like it was at least magnitude 5 at the time, maybe a little brighter. 

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Jeremy Shears
Jeremy Shears, 2024 Sep 07 - 08:10 UTC

Nice image. Visual observations in the VSS database have chi Cyg ~mag 5.2 at the beginning of August, around the date of your image. It was fading from its early July maximum of ~mag 4.2


Jeremy Shears
Jeremy Shears, 2024 Sep 07 - 08:12 UTC

I was trying to add an image of the light curve of chi Cyg, but seems this is not possible 

I have put the light curve in a Forum post here: https://britastro.org/forums/topic/chi-cygni#post-624900

Steve Brown
Steve Brown, 2024 Sep 07 - 21:33 UTC

That's very useful - thanks. I'll certainly be adding this to my list of objects to keep an eye on.

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