Observation by Mr Ian David Sharp: The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)

Uploaded by

Paul Downing


Mr Ian David Sharp


2024 Apr 01 - 00:00


2024 Sep 20 - 09:09


The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)

Planetarium overlay


Canes Venatici

Field centre

RA: 13h29m
Dec: +47°12'
Position angle: -92°19'

Field size

0°21' × 0°17'

  • Celestron C11 Edge HD @F/7
  • Starlight XPress TRIUS PRO 694 mono CCD camera
  • 10Micron GM 1000 HPS mount
  • Starlight Xpress 7 position 1.25" filter wheel
  • Starlight XPress OAG
  • Starlight Xpress LoadStar V2 guide camera
  • Pegasus Astro PRODIGY focuser
  • Johnson RVB photometric filter
  • Optolong LRGB, Ha, OIII, SII filters

L: 100x180s; R, V and B: 70x300s; Ha: 75x600s


PixelSkies, Castilléjar in the province of Granada, Andalucia

Target name



The Whirlpool Galaxy (M51)

About this image

Fully processed in PixInsight.

I used a method called 'continuum subtraction' to blend in the Ha data to the red channel. The colour of the stars has been adjusted using spectroscopic data from the GAIA database of stars.

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